Afrofuturism on Foam

(Displayed at BPAG Lab 4/27/22)

Afrofuturism on Foam is a online art exhibit created by Roman Norfleet that features four foam sculptures that depict Black folks roaming freely about the cosmos. Though afrofuturism is not limited to sci-fi and outer space themes, Norfleet finds it important to continue to depict the Black people of the future involved with and inventing highly advanced technology, exploring the universe and having fun in the process.

(Watch video below to learn more about exhibit.)

Sistas in Space (2022)
Polyurethane Foam, Acrylic Paint
Approx. 11.2 x 11.2 x 2.5

Lil Kids Take Earth (2022)
Polyurethane Foam, Acrylic Paint
Approx. 10 x 10.8 x 2.5

Space Board BB (2022)
Polyurethane Foam, Acrylic Paint
Approx. 10.8 x 7 x 2.5
Mars Juice (2022)
Polyurethane Foam, Acrylic Paint
Approx. 6.8 x 4.5 x 2.5

Stream “Space Odyssey Black”,
composition by Roman Norfleet
created for this exhibit.


Tip the artist
(choose link below)